Adoraboos: Leveling Up Distance Learning by Gaming

Allison Huynh, CEO & Tammy Laverty, CMO - Co-Founders of the Adoraboos

Allison Huynh, CEO & Tammy Laverty, CMO - Co-Founders of the Adoraboos

On this week’s Silicon Valley Insider, Keith Koo talks to the CO-founders of MyDream Interactive, Allison Huynh, CEO and Tammy Laverty, CMO.

MyDream has built a series of free learning mobile apps for test prep like S.A.T. and A.C.T.  called the “Adoraboos” using current examples such as cryptocurrency and blockchain. Hear their story of how they came up with their idea and how students can try out their application for free.

Also, on this week’s show, Santa Clara County Supervisor Dave Cortese will be talking about the future of business and tech in Silicon Valley and beyond.

MyDream Interactive's Adoraboos:

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